Ecommerce SEO Packages -

Ecommerce SEO Packages

Take your website to next level

It is beautifully designed in a very smart way to bring the best user experience that you will love.


of online shoppers start their journey with a search engine


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of revenue is driven by organic search

Why is Ecommerce SEO Important for Online Businesses?

Search engine optimization is a long-term growth solution for online stores that generate sustainable revenue over time. It helps your ecommerce website rank high on Google when prospective customers search for a product or service you can deliver.

And the best part—SEO is not tied to ad spend. Manta’s ecommerce SEO services deliver quality strategies that work toward increasing website traffic and organic revenue over time, without throwing money at ad spends.

What are Ecommerce SEO Packages?

Ecommerce SEO packages are a set of SEO services offered at different prices, each tailored to unique needs of online retailers. All our SEO plans provide a specialized focus on increasing online rankings for e-retailers and other ecommerce businesses. While many ecommerce SEO tactics and strategies overlap with traditional SEO, there are key differences that are specific to ecommerce websites.

SEO, that is unique to ecommerce stores, includes creating detailed product titles and descriptions, assigning the appropriate Schema codes for product inventory, dealing with duplicate product page content, faceted navigation, applying local SEO strategies (if the business operates a local ecommerce website), product reviews, affiliate links, and much more.

Pricing Plan

No Hidden Chatrges! Choose Your Pricing Plan.


$ 999 /Month

Eccommerce Keyword Research Ecommerce Article Backlinks Article Engagement Monthly Ecommerce SEO Campaign Update


$ 3.99 /Month
  • Full Access Library
  • 6 Multiple User
  • 24/7 Support


$ 5.99 /Month
  • 15 Email Account
  • 100 GB Space
  • 1 Domain Name

View some of our work and case studies for clients. We will work to deliver that strategy by building out your existing campaigns, or establishing accounts at new networks. It’s important to us that you.

John Abres Creative Manager

View some of our work and case studies for clients. We will work to deliver that strategy by building out your existing campaigns, or establishing accounts at new networks. It’s important to us that you.

Mark Jhon Designer

View some of our work and case studies for clients. We will work to deliver that strategy by building out your existing campaigns, or establishing accounts at new networks. It’s important to us that you.

Stive Smith Manager

Working with an Expert Ecommerce SEO Company

Working with an organic SEO company means that your SEO campaign is overseen by actual professionals with extensive ecommerce SEO experience. Manta directly communicates with each client and creates proven SEO strategies based on real data.

Online Shoppers Start with Online Product Research

Almost 50% of all online shopping experiences start with a search engine, so it’s important to meet people where they search! SEO is not the only marketing strategy, but it’s essential to stay relevant and compete online.

Manta Generates Over 6 Million Top 10 Page Results

Manta has proven results with over 6 million Google top 10 page results. When people search for a product or service they need, it’s a missed opportunity when a website doesn’t show up high on Google. Ecommerce SEO can help you get found by the right customers and increase your organic sales!

Ecommerce SEO Keeps Working for Your Business

A main benefit of Manta’s ecommerce SEO packages means our strategies continue to work and add value to your online business over time. It’s not tied to ad spend. With a quality SEO campaign, ecommerce SEO is a long-term growth strategy that generates consistent revenue growth as time goes on.

Our Approach to Ecommerce SEO

For over 20 years, Manta has helped over 6 million business websites rank in the top 10 results on Google. We can help your business establish a strong online presence, get your products found in the top 10 search results, and increase website traffic and sales.

Each business using Manta’s ecommerce SEO services will work directly with a dedicated account team that oversees every aspect of their SEO campaign from start to finish.

We believe in delivering quality, trusted strategies to our clients with affordably priced packages so that SEO becomes accessible to everyone, not just a luxury for enterprise businesses. Take a look at what’s included in our SEO services.

What’s included in Manta’s Ecommerce SEO Packages?

Ecommerce SEO FAQ

  • How Long Does Ecommerce SEO Take to See Results?

    It can take at least six to nine months to see results for ecommerce SEO, sometimes even up to a year. Many factors play into this, such as how competitive an industry and the associated keywords are, the state of your web design compared to competitor websites, whether it’s a new business or if it’s been in existence for a while, and so much more.

  • Does Manta Only Provide Ecommerce SEO Services for Small Businesses?

    No. Manta specifically focuses on helping small to medium-sized businesses with their SEO strategies no matter their business or industry. With over 20 years of experience in doing so, we understand what elements a small to medium sized ecommerce website needs to set them on the right track for future growth. And our ecommerce SEO packages, pricing, and strategy are designed to deliver value as we meet our clients at their available budget.

  • What’s the Difference Between Ecommerce SEO and Ecommerce PPC?

    Search engine optimization focuses on optimizing a website by following Google’s best practices and webmaster guidelines to increase organic positioning on the search engine results page (SERP). This is done by optimizing a website for technical and on-site elements, content creation, establishing off-page authority from link building, review generation, and more. PPC is a form of paid advertising and it operates by paying for ads to show up at the top of a search page. The key difference between SEO and PPC is that the success of a paid advertising campaign is tied to the ad spend budget. Increasing your ad spend can get your ad ranked higher on the search page immediately, opposed to waiting 3-6 months for SEO tactics to get you in the top 10 search results. Spending more also means the SERP will show your ad more often. The downside of PPC is that your website only shows up while you‘re paying for ads, whereas a well maintained SEO tactic can keep you ranked in the top 10. Users also see that you paid to get the ad on the top of the search page. SEO is not tied to ad spend, so the results last longer and usually cost less. Ecommerce search engine optimization focuses on SEO best practices. When you show up in a search, it won’t say your listing is a paid ad, so the user will think Google or Bing chose your website as one of the best options for the buyer. That tends to generate trust with the user. More people trust organic search results, so ranking through SEO often leads to higher click through rates than your paid ads. Ecommerce SEO tactics include optimizing a website for optimal technical performance. It should load fast, images must be clear, etc. We write product page content that targets high intent keywords and answers questions your target audience may have, and much more.

Manta SEO gets a website in the top 10 search results of Google every 5 minutes

Manta is one of the leading SEO companies with over 20 years of digital marketing experience and more than 6 million ranked websites in Google’s top 10 search results. Learn more about our online marketing solutions or get in touch with us today for more details!

or call +995-511-22-14-51